Overlooking Important Details

I forgot. The Cowboys lost Sunday Night’s Game against the Giants, 37-34. Why did I forget? Because I didn’t watch it at all.

I figure if I actually watched the Cowboys on prime time, I’d give them ratings. I can’t stand the Cowboys. So if more people took my stance, we could force them to 12PM games on Sunday permanently.

Sigh. The Cowboys are one of the six teams that get to play on Sunday night, seemingly.

Remember the bitter analysis of the BCS Championship Game? We mentioned about five teams that should have recruited a kicker.

The Cowboys always go cheap or look to hire a kicker past his prime. Maybe they shouldn’t do that anymore.

Too funny, some of San Antonio’s locals are STILL blaming Wade Phillips.

About bittersportspills

I love sports. I don't love the hype, homerism, ratings talk, self-important egomaniacs, bias or any of the other nonsense you get with the national media. Nor will you get the two clowns on sports talk radio who stage phony arguments. It doesn't make it entertaining. It makes it time to turn on your iPod and jam instead of listening to white noise generators. This is the sports blog for you, the ones who don't like everything Los Angeles or New York. Just because the sporting media is based there doesn't mean we have to like their teams. We do treat them fairly, though. That means if one of those cities has an average QB who plays particularly well...we'll note it. If they're garbage, we'll say so. Instead of crying "why, why, why" like a certain sports media homer did in his radio broadcast. This isn't my job...I have a real one. Nevertheless, I'll post here when I make an observation. Common sense in sports is nearly dead. Now we're attempting to bring it back.
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